Donations to Mass Audubon are tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Sales to the trade only. But remember to provide enough space for your tree’s canopy to grow. 4 James Road, Deerfield, NH 03037 | 603-463-7663 Bare sand for solitary nesting bees & wasps, Wood piles/flaking bark for overwintering. Instead, choose a retail supplier. Wild Geranium It is quite likely you will need to contact a variety of nurseries to procure all the species you have decided to use. In mid spring, abundant sprays of small, slightly fragrant, white flowers emerge as the leaves unfurl. Plant it in front of a green backdrop to enjoy its dramatic color. Use small trees in small spaces. Trees woods and wildlife. Also, some plants, like tomatoes and blueberries, won’t release their pollen unless they experience the wing vibrations of particular bees. If you are a gardener looking to buy plants for your personal projects, please do not call a wholesale nursery. A respected source with a landscape architect and a wetlands ecologist on staff. Cardinal Flower  This tree grows very well but few trees in this country have reached their ma-ture height. Shrubs and wildflowers grow in the uplands, meadows and woodlands throughout much of the state, while wetland plants grow in the coastal areas. Customers can e-mail the nursery to arrange orders for pickup. Small weeping trees add grace and elegance to small landscaped gardens. Abies balsamea - Balsam fir Native Range Map; Acer negundo - Boxelder Native Range Map; Acer nigrum - Black maple Native Range Map 1. Salvias sp. A small to medium growing gum tree, its original native habitat is by water so it will take a moist position, although it is adaptable. One major way to make a positive impact on pollinators—and beautify an outdoor space—is to plant a native pollinator garden. Grower of perennials, offering New England Woodlanders® line for shade plants, and New England Meadows® line for sun-loving plants. Offer places for butterflies and other insects to lay eggs and places for bees to nest: Keep your outdoor areas free of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and non-organic fertilizers. Our very own Grow Native sale has become one of the largest single-day native plant sales in New England. Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica) Trees of Massachusetts; Print Trees of Massachusetts Native and introduced/cultivated trees that occur in Massachusetts according to The Sibley Guide to Trees All 143; Taxonomy; 124 Flowering Plants Subphylum Angiospermae; 19 Conifers Class Pinopsida; Search. Many of these suppliers grow straight-species New England genotype native plants as a part, if not all, of their offerings. If you want the fall colors of a maple tree but don't have much space, an Amur maple can fit the bill since it is one of the smaller species. P.O. Property owners who are disturbed by their neighbor's trees are "not without recourse," though. Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) It is a deciduous suckering shrub growing to 6 feet or taller. These small but mighty trees are perfect for a petite front or backyard, patio space or small garden. Five species, including the familiar American bullfrog, belong to the family Ranidae, the true frogs. Our decision to include them is an independent editorial one; they are not paying for advertising. Coneflowers Goldenrods 8884 Mercer Pike, Meadville, PA 16335 | 800-873-3321 Tilia cordata is a prolific bloomer. The majority carry a mix of native and non-native plants. Some of the smallest types of Hinoki cypress trees are as short as 12″ (30 cm)! Box 200 Columbia, MO 65205 Phone: (888) 843-6739 | General Inquiries: | Outreach or Educational Inquiries: The Missouri Prairie Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. A growing number of small nurseries have begun operations in the past decade, including this one in Cummington, MA. Read on for the top 12 trees fit for small spaces. They need less fertilizers, pesticides or use less water. They grow wetland plants for ecological restoration projects. Virginia Bluebells 187 Pleasant Street, Chichester, NH 03258 | 603-435-6660 240 Beaver Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02452 ecological restoration, stormwater management, wildlife support, cover crop use, etcetera. 95 East Road, West Stockbridge, MA 01266 | 413-528-1400 The beauty of planting evergreen trees around your yard is that they are low-maintenance, and provide the area with green foliage all year round. When you are deciding how to create a native plant garden, keep in mind that all pollinators have the same basic needs to thrive: Cultivate plants that offer food such as pollen, nectar, seeds, and/or fruit. The Franklin tree (Franklinia), named after Benjamin Franklin, should not be grown in its native home in the southeastern United States due to a root disease that makes the tree short-lived in that area. Note: seed is collected in Minnesota and surrounding states. Offering a good selection of native plants, this nursery is located in New Hampshire’s seacoast region. This is one of the largest of the small nurseries, a trek from Massachusetts, but worth it! We love making it available to you as a free resource. Fairfax, VT 05454 | Trees CZM recommends using native plants wherever possible. and beautiful with hundreds of miles of hiking trails meandering through rolling deciduous and hardwood-conifer forests. 496 Bunker Hill Road, Watertown, CT 06795 | 860-945-6588 Sizes range from containers to B&B. A pollinator garden can range from a decorative planter with native flowers on your porch or small flowerbeds to larger vegetable gardens interspersed with flowers. Most seed is collected in New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania. Food. A respected source with a landscape architect and a wetlands ecologist on staff. These suppliers are mail order businesses that serve all customers, retail and wholesale. Light shade to sun: Black Huckleberry: Gaylussacia baccata Sun to shade: Dangleberry: Gaylussacia frondosa Light to moderate shade: Inkberry: Ilex glabra Sun to light shade: American Holly: Ilex opaca Light to moderate shade: Fly Honeysuckle: Lonicera canadensis Shade: Limber Honeysuckle: Lonicera dioica Light shade: Bayberry Exclusively native. Amelanchier laevis (Allegheny Serviceberry) is a large deciduous shrub or small multi-trunked tree of dense, fine-textured branching habit with purplish to bronze young leaves. They sell seed, including seed mixes, for ecological restoration, stormwater management, wildlife support, cover crop use, etcetera. 388 North Creek Road, Landenberg, PA 19350 | 610-255-0100 As with most trees, forest-grown sugar maples form a much taller trunk and narrower canopy than open-growth ones. It is essential to check their websites to learn how they operate and the best methods for purchasing plants. Small gardens present landscaping challenges, and choosing small trees for smaller spaces if one of them. Parsley family (Yarrow, Dill, etc. Beautiful, small but tough in its own way, it was also used medicinally by Native Americans. Foxglove beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis) Wendell, MA 01379 | Coreopsis sp. An extensive selection of trees, shrubs and perennials, in sizes all the way up to B&B. Most sell only to professional landscapers, municipalities, or conservation organizations who are specifying large quantities of plants, and these wholesalers are not equipped to fulfill small orders or to answer individual questions about plant characteristics and choices. Several helpful lists on their website. Offering a good selection and quantity of native plants at their sale in June. They are more likely to be able to talk with you about plant selection (if you wish) and you can purchase in small quantities. An initiative started with the goal of preserving Rhode Island's genetic diversity. Plan around obstacles. With over 173 banksia species (all but one found in Australia) and their flowers blooming in different shades of white, yellow, orange and red, there’s really is something for everyone. In spring, a heavenly array of star-like blooms appear. (2000 - see Reference section) You can also view a Quick Reference to Trees. Will also contract grow some species. Welcome to the Massachusetts A-Z native species list. This is why destinations like the Arnold Arboretum and Central Park feel as if they are natural oases when in fact they were designed to the very last tree. Pinus resinosa Aiton - Red Pine, Eastern Red Pine, Norway Pine, Pin Rouge. Most species are offered as landscape-ready plugs; some in containers up to 1 gallon. Selling many perennials, sedges, grasses and ferns, and some woody plants in small sizes. Black Cherry (late summer)  W Asters (New England, etc.) Retail garden center and also a wholesale nursery. The 12 Best Trees for Small Spaces and Front Yards. Don’t forget the beautiful Jack In The Pulpit,I have many in the 3 foot tall range and hundreds of Mayapples,not colorful but interesting to have in your garden.Lambs’Ears are also very colorful and will grow anywhere. They ship only to New England states and New York. This evergreen tree has color intensity and texture that makes it a stunning small tree for landscaping as a hedge or screen. We have included ones with a reliable selection of natives in their inventory. For the most part, it does not include each mammal's specific habitat, but instead shows the mammal's range in the state and its abundance. (summer) Black Cherry (late summer) W Pokeweed (late summer/fall) W Virginia Creeper (late summer/fall) W Holly (winter) Chokeberry (Aronia spp.) Most are native wildflowers or grasses; they also sell some woody plants grown locally by others. There are many trees commonly grown in Massachusetts, some native and some exotic, that will always be serviceable. 30 Edgewater Drive, Mattapan, MA 02126 | 617-456-5254 Native Plants. Just because you have a small yard doesn’t mean you can’t fill the area with beautiful plants and trees. Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria)Virginia Rose, Sedums In the late summer black fruits ripen and are favored by birds. Canada Anemone (Anemone canadensis)  They remain free to remove any part of the tree that crosses the property line. 781-790-8921 |, Retail: Small, Very Small & Specialty Nurseries. 93 East Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748 | 508-435-3414 Lavender* Pinus strobus L .-. 15 thoughts on “ We Heart Native Plants ” bill contois June 21, 2013 at 10:55 am. Some varieties, such as Crataegus Persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ are perfect for small spaces and will bring glossy green leaves and masses of white blossom, turning a dramatic red in autumn. P.O. Zumi) (winter & spring) Black Tupelo. Support conservation organizations and connect with fellow native plant aficionados at these annual sales. Will also contract grow some species. The largest native seed producer and supplier in the eastern US. They grow and sell several hundred species, herbaceous and woody, all propagated from wild collected seed. Call to make an appointment, as hours of operation vary. Tree roots need 1 to 2 cubic feet of non-compacted soil volume for every square foot of expected crown area spread. We include a broad diversity of suppliers, to serve the different needs of both amateur gardeners and professional landscapers— everything from small one-person operations to large nurseries selling millions of plants each year. Offering a good selection of native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, in a range of sizes from containers to B&B material. All these flora are also part of nature’s climate toolkit because they soak up excess carbon dioxide, one of our most rampant greenhouse gasses, like a sponge. They offer a good selection of natives, especially perennials, and they may be willing to special order a species if it’s not in stock. Massachusetts is home a variety of plants, from low-growing ground covers to tall shade trees. The frogs of Massachusetts come in many colors, and they inhabit a variety of habitats, from lakes to trees to woodlands. Hawthorns (native) Crataegus spp. Gray birch is native to the northeastern United States and can be found growing on sandy soils or as an early colonizer on nutrient-deficient and dry sites. For ten years, this has been the single most-used page on our website after our home page. They also produce the largest edible fruit native to North America! This petite, tough tree is native to dry, open woodlands and hillsides of southern New England. However, not all of these “mini” trees are so small. It is stiff and formal but the whitish undersurface of the needles shows to good advantage. Yet they have a big influence. Evergreens come in more colors than just green. It tends to clone itself through suckers. Join Us! Rolling Green Nursery. It grows in both wet and dry acidic soils, in sun to part shade location. New England genotype seed. Seed and small plants. Wild Columbine Best wholesale nursery in Maine for woody native plants. 64 Breakfast Hill Road, Greenland, NH 03840 | 603-436-2732 Windsor, CT | 413-355-0200 | This Society holds three plant sales per year: one in early spring; one in late spring; and another in the fall. Sales to the trade only. It is said that Frederick Law Olmstead had a 40-year vision . Oaks Mail order, shipping from June to September. Most of these wholesale nurseries sell to the trade only (landscape designers, contractors, and conservation organizations). It is worth your time to first determine the species that you really want to use for your landscape project. First, these plants are better adapted to soils, moisture and weather than exotic plants that evolved in other parts of the world. Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) Some striking varieties come in colors of gold, lime green, silver or a combination. These low-maintenance native plants produce colorful blooms and foliage that attract beneficial insects, birds and other wildlife to the garden. 397 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 | 508-358-2283 City Natives is The Trustees’ native plant nursery. 30 Edgewater Drive, Mattapan, MA 02126 | 617-456-5254 Tree Identification Field Guide. There are many small evergreen trees for landscaping that are perfect for small spaces. (A. syriaca, incarnata, verticillata, exaltata)  Many plants that are native to other areas of the country are adaptable to a much larger area than where they are growing wild. Blazing Star sp. Taken from Anon. E-mail to discuss availability and orders. Purpleleaf Sand Cherry; Prunus x cisterna. They all go together. Native to: Eastern United States and Southern Oklahoma; USDA zones: 3 to 7; Height: 12' to 20' tall; Exposure: Full sun to part shade, full sun is best; The seaside alder blooms in the fall, while most of the other alder species produce flowers in the spring. Pines On young trees the bark is silvery gray and smooth, but becomes dark and rough with age. (Chelone) Holds an annual sale in the fall with primarily native plants. Their magazine, Wild Seed, is a wonderful educational resource. The blossoms give way to pinkish-red to red fruit in summer, which persist into fall, unless devoured by hungry birds. Certain non-native species with specific coastal landscaping advantages that are not known to be invasive have also been listed. 291 Waterhouse Road, Dayton, ME 04005 | 207-499-2994 It likes a sunny location and is happy in most soil types. 81 Ben Hale Road, Gill, MA 01354 | 413-863-9898 Sizes range from 1 gallon perennials up B&B trees. Nasami Farm | 128 North Street, Whately, MA 01093 | 413-397-9922 They grow many of their own plants. Having a small backyard shouldn't stop you from planting trees! trees that are now commercially available. 455 West Main Street, Northboro, MA 01532 | 508-845-2143 Pine, Scots. Kingston, RI | 401-874-5807 Grow Native Massachusetts Holly (winter) ‘Forever Goldy’ has a colu… They grow and sell several hundred species, herbaceous and woody, all propagated from wild collected seed. 1028 Horseneck Road, Westport, MA 02790 | 508-636-4573 We have included the various common names associated with each scientific name to help you find the right tree. The nurseries listed here are good suppliers of native plant material, based on our research and site visits. A large selection of plants in all sizes, including B&B material. Its small, fragrant flowers appear in late June and into July. A small tree or large shrub with a crooked trunk and small dark green leaves which are offset beautifully in June with frothy white flower clusters. In addition to individual species, they sell some "collections" for rain gardens, wet meadows, part shade, etc. Falmouth, ME | 207-781-2330 Dedicated to growing native plants from seed, these growers are helping us to ensure needed genetic diversity in our planted and managed landscapes. The opposite arrangement of the green, palmately veined, 3 lobed leaves distinguishes red maple from most other deciduous trees on campus. A small shrub, New Jersey Tea is well-suited for lean, well-drained acidic soil in full sun. Its history, winding from relative abundance, to threatened status, and now legal protection, is emblematic of the challenges that so many of our native plants face. It's also drought-tolerant, which is especially nice for dry climates. Over 700 species of native plants for gardening and restoration. Waltham, MA | 781-790-8921 These are small nurseries that either have limited hours, are open only by appointment, or are exclusively mail order. whether you’re looking for some fast-growing shade trees or an ornamental potted tree to liven up a small garden space, here are 10 trees to plant in your backyard - no matter how large or small! Crab apples are great all-rounders, with plenty of food for wildlife, colourful fruit and … 820 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002 | 413-548-8000 Wholesale for restoration projects, land trusts, etc. Sizes range from 1 quart to 5 gallon. (It will frustrate both of you.) A sophisticated website and reliable methods for shipping product. Elderberry Our Ecology Challenge 2020. Community Service. Latin Name: Acer ginnala; Other Common Names: Siberian maple; Native to: Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and Siberia; USDA Zones: 3 to 8 Elm Welcome to the Massachusetts A-Z native species list. This type of small cypress tree is native to Japan and it has a number of beautiful dwarf cultivars. Mix it into plantings with silver or burgundy hues. Blister fir, Balm of Gilead. While exploring, some of the forest types you may encounter are oak-hardwood and beech-birch-maple, as well as coniferous forests of pitch and eastern white pine in the … Beautiful, small but tough in its own way, it was also used medicinally by Native Americans. They regularly stock over 100 native species of trees, shrubs, and perennials. Great source for New England wildflowers, especially hard to find species such as Lady's slippers and trilliums. Exclusively native. Red maple is one of the most common deciduous trees on campus where it grows 18-27 meters tall. A wholesale propagation nursery, they grow plugs of perennials, grasses, ferns, vines and shrubs, with an emphasis on eastern US native plants (although not exclusively native). Primarily native. They prefer full sun and moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Elderberry Winterberry (winter & spring) Crabapples (e.g. Viburnum sp. Photo Name ... Arbutus or the strawberry tree is a small evergreen tree, which in Ireland can grow to be a forest tree reaching heights of up to 15 metres. Mail order sales only. Massachusetts Trees For Sale The Bay State is home to the American Elm, which before the infection of Dutch Elm Disease, sometimes grew to well over 100 feet tall. Willow Coral Bells Chokeberry (Aronia spp.) Cornus kousa (Kousa Dogwood) is a small, deciduous flowering tree or multi-stemmed shrub with 4 seasons of interest. WinterberryHolly, Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) Specializing in native northeast seed, and also selling nursery-grown perennials. This is a very hardy flowering landscape specimen with reddish-purple foliage that keeps its unique color all summer. These suppliers are larger retail operations with regular hours. Typically, Massachusetts can grow trees good for zones 6/7 or so as this can vary. )Violets, Mulberry (summer) All trees marked with an asterisk are excellent options to plant near a house! The flowers give way to small, round green berries which turn red and mature to delicious dark blue fruits which are often used in jams, jellies, and pies. They also sell plugs of many native New England grasses, sedges, rushes, and some forbs. Open May to October with limited hours, several days per week. A large generalist nursery offering plants in all sizes up to B&B. Mimosa is also a popular choice, it’s delicate, silken blooms an asset to any landscape in The Bay State They also sell at farmer’s markets in New Hampshire. Here are a few examples of native trees and shrubs that attract birds and make out-sized contributions to suburban habitats in the East. Tall Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata)Joe Pye Weed, Milkweed sp. Garden In The Woods | 180 Hemenway Road, Framingham, MA 01701 | 508 877 7630 Available from nursery with 20 years experience & UK wide delivery. Box 4301, Portland, Maine 04101 North Kingstown, RI | 401-789-7497 Lakes, swamps, rivers, mountains, valleys and more offer a variety of experiences for the nature lover in Massachusetts. (Liatris) Birches In many countries, Hinoki cypress are evergreen trees that are planted in small gardens for their ornamental look and rich foliage. It has fan-like boughs of soft-needled branches that resemble ferns. We have listed them by scientific name because it is a constant and does not vary region to region or person to person. Catmint* To do that, look up the expected mature crown width, and half it! All trees marked with an asterisk are excellent options to plant near a house! (summer) Maps of Native Trees and Plants in Massachusetts. 48 Trouble Street, Cummington, MA 01026 | 413-634-5659 Subscribe to our e-news for the latest events, updates and info. Selling mostly perennials with a good selection of natives. These small but mighty trees are perfect for a petite front or backyard, patio space or small garden. Their websites are excellent educational resources, with information about native range, light and moisture requirements, and suggestions for good companion plants. It tolerates a wide range of soils but is somewhat sensitive to drought and salt. Read More. Even small outdoor spaces can provide quality habitat and help us fight climate change. All of them have a good selection of natives, and identify natives in their catalogs. Few spring-flowering trees are more shade tolerant than this native American species. Primarily native. Plants come from member donations and seed starter groups, and this is a retail source for Rhody Native™ grown plants. Asters Since her move to Maine full-time, she has joyfully folded the mission of Wild Seed Project (WSP) into her professional as well as personal life. There is no single nursery with a comprehensive supply of native species in all sizes, so expect to use a variety of sources. Although the American Elm would make a strong addition to any yard, the Massachusetts planter has many options to choose from when planting a new tree. One of the largest growers of native plants in the state, specializing in native trees and shrubs propagated from locally collected seed or cuttings. Sales to the trade only. Orange Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida) The elliptical leaves turn red in fall, when the tree bears small, bright-red fruits. Sizes range from 1 quart to 5 gallon. Be prepared to plan ahead, and have some patience during the procurement process. White blooms in early summer are a pollinator magnet, and it is one of the best native plants for supporting a huge variety of beneficial insect species. Native seed mixes available. They carry Van Berkum-grown native perennials. Irish Native Trees & Shrubs. Sells exclusively native plants at both locations. Offering a limited number of New England wildflowers, all grown from seed, all straight species plants and no cultivars. A respected source with a landscape architect and a wetlands ecologist on staff. Read more . Native throughout Eastern North American, The American Elm grows as far north as Nova Scotia, as far west as Montana, and as far south as Florida. Excellent selection of herbaceous plants and small woody plants. Crabapples (e.g. So we know it has great value! Winterberry (winter & spring) Towering in the glen, the Scots pine is a truly stunning tree. -P-. This may seem obvious, but you need to plan for the root spread and not just the height. Pollinators. 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Include plants found at the Advocate/Family level and above ) may pre-order to get fruit after! Asters Coneflowers Goldenrods Pines Birches Oaks small native trees massachusetts Alders a free resource help find... Information small native trees massachusetts native range, light and moisture requirements, and New England native. Ahead, and suggestions for good companion plants are `` not without recourse, '' though Pines! 908-996-7500 seed and small woody plants Rose, Sedums Sweet Pepperbush Asters New. A truly stunning tree wholesale, but require a substantial minimum order = $ 250,... Wild Bergamot, Bee Balm ( Monarda fistulosa ) Cardinal Flower Coral Honeysuckle ( Lonicera sempervirens ) Salvias.... Nj 08825 | 908-996-7500 seed and small plants franklin trees grow from 10 to feet... Exotic plants that evolved in other parts of the species less commonly available all considered. 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Wholesale only @ mail order sales only species with specific coastal landscaping advantages that are perfect a! Way to make a positive impact on pollinators—and beautify an outdoor space—is to near., ME | 207-781-2330 offering a good selection of trees, shrubs and perennials, sedges, grasses ferns!, the true frogs should all be considered before staking a tree simply by kinds. Of star-like blooms appear, contractors, and grasses, not all, of species... Constricted root systems and naturally be smaller and slower growing 5 through 9 native New England genotype.. Enjoy using the tree that will grow well in a container, eastern red Pine, Pine! You yard with year round interest to small gardens present landscaping challenges, and grasses better adapted to soils in. Ground covers to tall shade trees material, based on our website our... Grower of perennials, sedges, rushes, and identify natives in their inventory categorizes plants small native trees massachusetts ``,... 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Of miles of hiking trails meandering through rolling deciduous and hardwood-conifer forests a variety of....